
Soul Inspired: Living The Good Life In The New Year, Part Three

As the new year begins to unfold before you day by day, do you find yourself actively working toward achieving the goals you set for this year? By far, the most common goals set are commitments to take better care of our bodies; to exercise, lose weight, eat healthy, to just slow down a little . . . the list goes on.

As you work toward achieving your goals, it is vital that you adopt the proper perspective as your motivation. It is vital that you give first place to God's purpose for your goals. For example, first place is given to God's purpose when the goal of achieving an improved body stems from a desire to become an all-around better child of His. Second to God's purpose, the motivating factor can be desiring a better body merely for personal reasons.

Pray for the wisdom to apply God's purposes as the motivating force in all you do. Giving God's purpose first place establishes His Lordship over your circumstances. God will enable you to fulfill your goals when they are in line with His will.

And to God be the glory!

THE GOOD NEWS: The immeasurably significant promises and benefits of God are available to us once we beome a child of God. If earthly parents pour out their all to their children, how much more will God, the heavenly Father, bestow upon His children? NEED TO BE SURE YOU ARE A CHILD OF GOD? Free information is available via email request to: DestinationSonshine@yahoo.com

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