
Soul Inspired: The Good Life in the New Year

photo credit: Artiom Degel and Conrad Levac
The Good Life in the New Year

 The dawning of a new year presents the promise of a fresh start; the opportunity for another chance to do 'it' right or better; the occasion to pursue a long-time dream; a time of new possibilities. For many, a new year ushers in a renewed focus on one's desires, dreams and ambitions.  Hence, New Year's Resolutions . . . perhaps you have made a few. You might even be counted with those of us who, over  the years, have made a few and failed at a few. Even yet, you might be counted with those of us who, after continually failing at New Year Resolutions, have since dropped the label - but still embrace a focused approach toward a better life as we embark on a new year.  

 There is a foundational principle that, when put into practice, will fuel your efforts toward living a better life. This principle will cause you to succeed in every area of life. It is the principle of giving God first place in all you do. Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and your plans will succeed. (Proverbs 16:3) Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things will be added to you. (Matthew 6:33)

 Put God first in all you do and you will have success in the new year!

And to God be the glory!   

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